Plenary and Keynote Speakers
10th International Conference on Nanomaterials, Nanodevices, Fabrication and Characterization (ICNNFC 2025)
We are pleased to announce our plenary and keynote speakers for 10th International Conference on Nanomaterials, Nanodevices, Fabrication and Characterization (ICNNFC 2025):
Dr. Raul Arenal
Laboratorio de Microscopias Avanzadas (LMA), Spain
Plenary Speaker
Dr. Arenal is the Group leader of the Nanoscopy on Low Dimensional Materials (NLDM) at the Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón (INMA, CSIC-Universidad de Zaragoza) and since 2018, he is the Coordinator of the TEM area of the Laboratorio de Microspcopias Avanzadas (LMA, Universidad de Zaragoza, member of the ELECMI, Spanish National facility (ICTS) for Advanced Microscopies).
Dr. Raul Arenal received his Ph.D. in Solid State Physics from Univ. Paris-Sud (now Paris-Saclay, Orsay, France, 2005) and in 2013, he obtained his Habilitation (HDR) also at this University. From April 2005 to August 2007, he joined the Electron Microscopy Center in Argonne National Laboratory (ANL, USA) as post doctoral fellow. In 2007, he became research scientist (Chargé de Recherches) at the CNRS (France), working at the LEM, CNRS-ONERA (Chatillon, France).
From September 2010 to December 2011, he was visiting scientist (sabbatical position) at the Laboratorio de Microscopias Avanzadas (LMA) at the Instituto de Nanociencia de Aragon (INA) of the Universidad de Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain). Since 2012, DR. Arenal is on leave from the CNRS, and he is currently ARAID senior research scientist at the LMA-INMA-Universidad de Zaragoza. In addition, since 2007 he is visiting researcher at the ANL (USA).
For More information please click here
Topic of Keynote:
Dr. Philippe Knauth
Aix Marseille University, France
Plenary Speaker
PK obtained his PhD in Physical Chemistry (Dr. rer. nat., Saarland University) in 1987 and the Habilitation in Materials Science (Aix Marseille University) in 1996.
He is member of the Editorial Board of several international journals: “Journal of Electroceramics” and “Journal of Materials Science: Materials for Energy” (Springer), “Frontiers in Energy Research” and “Membranes” (MDPI).
Appointed visiting scholar at MIT in 1997-98 and 2013 and Invited professor at the National Institute of Materials Science (Tsukuba, Japan) in 2007 and 2010 and at the University of Rome Tor Vergata in 2009, 2011 and 2022.
PK is Fellow of the French Chemical Society (“Membre Distingué”) and recipient of the Grand Prix Franco-italien (SCF PACA/SCI Liguria-Piemonte-Valle d’Aosta, 2021), the IAAM Medal (International Association for the Advancement of Materials) 2018, the Silver Medal of the Warsaw University of Technology (2015) and the CNRS Bronze Medal (1994).
He published 230 articles in international journals (>10900 citations, h index = 52), 7 co-edited books, 6 patents and 85 invited, keynote and plenary talks at international conferences.
Topic of Keynote: Carbon Quantum Dots Based Electrocatalysts for Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Reduction Reactions
Plenary Abstract
Dr. Borja Sepúlveda
Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona (IMB-CNM-CSIC), Spain
Plenary Speaker
Dr. Borja Sepulveda received his PhD degree in Physics from the Complutense University of Madrid in 2005. In 2006 he started a two years Postoctoral stay at the Bionanophotonics and Bioimaging group in Chalmers University of Technology (Göteborg, Sweden). In 2008 he joined the Institut Català de Nanociencia i Nanotecnologia (ICN2) as Research Fellow, where he got a Ramon y Cajal grant in 2009. In 2012, he got a permanent CSIC researcher position at the ICN2. In 2021 he moved to the Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona (IMB-CNM-CSIC).
Topic of Keynote: Opto-Magnetic Nanosystems For Biomedical, Energy and Environmental Applications
Plenary Abstract
Registration fee includes the following:
- Publication of 1 accepted paper in the proceedings. Publication of each additional paper requires a €250 EUR registration
- Buffet lunch for each day of the conference
- 2 coffee breaks for each day of the conference
- 1 banquet dinner OR cruise tour
Important information for accompanying person(s): Please be informed that the accompanying person can NOT be a co-author.
Co-authors, regardless if 1 author is attending, must pay the full registration fee.
The accompany person fee is only for spouses and/or children. Please contact us if you are unsure.
Virtual registration fee includes the following:
- Publication of 1 accepted paper in the proceedings. Publication of each additional paper requires a €150 EUR registration
- Access to all the sessions of the conference